
Rondslottet in Rondane

On your way to Rondeslottet, you get two 2000 metre peaks in one trip.

Rondeslottet is the highest and most popular peak in Rondane, and one of many classic 2000 meter peaks to which Rondvassbu now offer guided trips. From the trekking association cabin you can actually hike to all of the ten peaks in Norway’s oldest national park that tower above the 2000 metre mark. “The great thing about Rondeslottet, is that you get two 2000 metre peaks in one trip. Besides, it has one of the most spectacular views in Rondane,” says Synnøve Børve Hovdal (23), a guide from Oppdal.

Rondeslottet er den høyeste og mest populære toppen i området og en av flere klassiske 2000-metertopper i området. Det flotte med Rondslottet er at du får to 2000-metertopper på samme turen! Dessuten har den en av Rondanes flotteste utsikter. 

De fleste bruker mellom 5-8 timer på turen fra Rondvassbu. Reiser du fra Spranget må du beregne en-to timer ekstra på sykkel.

Vanligvis når Rondvassbu har åpent, det vil si fra midten av Juni til starten av Oktober. Før Rondvassbu åpner er det ikke anbefalt å gå turer i Rondane på grunn av villreinen skal ha fjellet for seg selv grunnet kalving. Vær obs på at det kan snø også midt på sommeren, og det steinete terrenget mot toppen kan bli meget glatt.

  • Fjellstøvler
  • Ekstra sett sokker
  • Enkelt førstehjelpsutstyr
  • Gnagsårplaster
  • Solbriller
  • Ullundertøy
  • Vind- og vanntett jakke og bukse
  • Votter og lue
  • Minst 1 liter drikke (per person)
  • Niste
  • Kart og kompass/GPS
  • Litt godteri for humøret
  • Kamera for bevisbildet
  • Penger for suvenir eller snacks på Rondvassbu

The mountain at the heart

We are on our way into Rondholet on one of the few fair-weathered days in July, and we are far from alone. The rumours of dry weather and sunshine have made sun-deprived mountaineers come running to this beautiful valley. Rondane has a very special place in the hearts of many mountaineers, cracked stone and green coloured lichens. The climb begins for real in the ravine between Storronden and Vinjeronden. After wandering from stone to stone again and again, we find ourselves at the top of the first peak of the day; Vinjeronden. The view really becomes dramatic from here and further along towards Rondeslottet. Deep corries cut through from all sides. “Nice, isn't it?” Synnøve asks once we’re finally standing 2178 metres above sea level. The view towards distant horizons and surrounding mountains gives you the feeling of looking out across ‘half the kingdom’.

Start: Rondvassbu.

Where: Rondslottet (2178 m) in Rondane National Park

Access: Park at "Spranget". Walk or cycle six kilometers into Rondvassbu. Follow DNT trail to Rondeslottet.

Season: Middle of June to beginning of October. Check the weather forecast.

Length: 6–8 hours. 6 km one way 1000 meters altitude.

Accommodation and food: We both stayed and ate at the DNT cabin Rondvassbu

Go with guide: Rondvassbu offers guided tours to several of the 2000 meter peaks in the area.

More pearls in Rondane:

  • Sagtinden/Trolltinden ( 2018 moh)
  • Midtronden (2060 moh)
  • Veslesmeden (2015 moh)
  • Storsmeden (2016 moh)
  • Vinjeronden (2044 moh)
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