Plan and book your stay here!

On this page you will find a full overview over all of the accommodation and activities we have to offer. You can choose where you want to stay, and see activities that are in the same area. Maybe you want to travel around to see what Gudbrandsdalen has to offer!

If you want more inspiration you can check us out on Instagram here!


We can offer a range of different accommodation. Everything from charming cabins, farm-stay, hotels and glamping! Choose your category to find the option that suits you and you fellow travelers best. 

<% formatOccasionDate(occasions.start) %> - <% formatOccasionDate(occasions.end) %>
<% categoryById(item).text %>
<% geoById(item).text %>


Here is a full overview over our activities. Choose the category and area that suits you best.

<% formatOccasionDate(occasions.start) %> - <% formatOccasionDate(occasions.end) %>
<% categoryById(item).text %>
<% geoById(item).text %>